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Black Jaguars

Updated: Mar 10, 2021

This painting inspired by the black jaguar (scientific name: Panthera onca). The black jaguar is a rare colour variant of this big cat species, a top level carnivore of the Amazon and the Pantanal in South America. These beautiful animals require the large areas of tropical rainforest and stretches of riverbank to survive. Best estimates indicate only 600 exist in the wild today, threatened by hunting and habitat loss due to deforestation.

Black jaguars were first deemed endangered in 1994. The Federal Endangered Species Act prohibits the killing of these big cats, as well as the importation and/or sale of their fur, although these factors still occur and threatens the species survival today.

Black jaguars are strong swimmers and climbers. They are pretty stealthy and elusive by nature. Black jaguars are noctornal. Their black coat provides an extra advantage in the dark in regards to being exposed. However, deforestation is reducing their habitat, which is pushing them out of cover, making them more vulnerable to hunters and farmers trying to protect their livestock.

Jaguars are the third biggest cat in the world, after the tiger and lion, and is the largest in the Americas. A jaguar's bite is more powerful than any other big cat, to help them bite down on thick hide like crocodiles or the hard shells of turtles, usually killing it with a bite to the skull.

There is so much more to learn about black jaguars and jaguars in general and I encourage you to start your own research journey of this magnificent species! This painting is a part of a 2021 painting series, which is dedicated to endangered species. In an effort to use my skill set to take action, I will be donating 10% of the proceeds of this painting to the Black Jaguar Foundation. You can check out there website at

You can also go to to sign the Global Petition to Protect the Amazon, which calls on the United Nations to summon world leaders to come together for a special session of the United Nations General Assembly to adopt a binding resolution declaring the Amazon rainforest a permanently protected global environmental sanctuary. Link:

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