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This is Delsa.

Delsa's joie de vivre jumped off of the page from the photograph I was given to artistically recreate. Delsa was an amazing woman and mother. She was born in Ecuador, and raised behind The Basílica Del Voto Nacional in Quito. She came to Canada, where her husband passed away, and she became a single mother of ten children. She raised them independently, kindly and wholeheartedly. She was a strong and steady matriarch, somehow able to keep track and be involved in each of her children's lives, and even act as an uplifting influence in the lives her children's friends. She was encouraging, teaching her children to be the best versions of themselves.

Her daughter commissioned me to paint her portrait, to honour her memory. From the way she was remembered, it is clear that she was a beautiful woman, in and out. She was, and is, an vibrant angel whose spirit still touches the hearts of the people she connected to during her lifetime. She passed away a couple years ago, and she is very missed. However, her impact on the people she loved and cared for is eternal. Thank you so much Patty for sharing her story with me, and trusting me with such a special project. I am happy to know of Delsa's inspiring story. She is a woman to be remembered, a real saint.

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