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The Female Form as Art

Exploring the divine feminine, associated with intuition, community, sensuality, strength, collaboration, the power to create and transform.

Radiance, 30x40" Acrylic on Canvas

Born out of the exploration of the female form as art, discovering the power and vulnerability of being a woman, this piece called Radiance is intended to share a woman's magnetic energy, strength and encourage being fearless on the journey to becoming who you are.

Radiance, 30x40" Acrylic on Canvas

I love how the colours lighten or deepen depending on the light that's touching the canvas. It feels representative of the light and dark elements of being a woman, and how we may glow differently during alternate periods of our lifetime, but our foundational strength, wisdom and inherent power remains.

As an intimate piece close to my personal journey, I have refrained from writing too many details behind the creation of this piece. I believe that every woman's journey is very personal, an individual experience, and as such I'd like to leave the interpretation as vague as possible and truly dependent on what the onlooker feels when connecting with this work. However, should anyone be interested in uncovering or discovering more behind my own connection, please feel free to reach out using my contact page. It would be my pleasure to talk to you about Radiance, art or what I perceive as the female experience in general.

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