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Black Jaguar, Animal Painting, 24x36" Acrylic on Canvas

  • Black Jaguar, Abstract Painting, 24x36" Acrylic on Canvas with resin coating, 2021.

    This painting inspired by the black jaguar (scientific name: Panthera onca). The black jaguar is a rare colour variant of this big cat species, a top level carnivore of the Amazon and the Pantanal in South America. These beautiful animals require the large areas of tropical rainforest and stretches of riverbank to survive. Best estimates indicate only 600 exist in the wild today, threatened by hunting and habitat loss due to deforestation. To read more about these stunning big cats, check out the blog post. 

    Please note that the resin coating has a shiny finish, and this finish/texture is visible depending on the angle the light is hitting it. 

    10% of the proceeds from this painting will be donated to the Black Jaguar Foundation. 

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