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Go With the Flow, Jellyfish Animal Painting, 24x36" Multi-medium on Canvas

  • Go With the Flow, Multi-medium on canvas, 24x36" (Depth 0.5"), 2021. 


    "When you move like a jellyfish, Rhythm don't mean nothing, You go with the flow, You don't stop, Move like a jellyfish, Rhythm is nothing, You go with the flow, You don't stop" - John Mayer. During this weird era of COVID-19, these lyrics apply more than ever, as we are required to endlessly go with the flow, and although it is tempting, we cannot stop with our efforts - to stay safe, and to live our lives. To read more about this painting, read my blog post.

    Please note that although great effort has been made to seal in all multi-medium elements of this piece, a few beads may come loose during transit, although this will not impact how the painting looks.

    Jellyfish are not commonly endangered, however, there was a rare species of freshwater jellyfish discovered in China, referred to as Peach Blossom jellyfish, which were listed as critically endangered in 2002 due to freshwater pollution. Their scientific name is craspedacusta sowerbii, also known as 'water pandas'. They are translucent in colour, though they have been photographed in many vibrant colours, and are extremely small, around the size of a small coin. There used to be many freshwater jellyfish across China, but this is no longer the case. As a result, a portion of the proceeds of this painting will be donated to China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation.

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